Shamanic Services

The Iboga Retreat is the complete package. There, we use everything at our disposal to give you the most out of your time with us.

If you can’t make it to a retreat but feel like you would benefit from our services,

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Spiritual Shower

Wash yourself mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally from what you’ve been carrying.

The Spiritual Shower is made with traditional herbs and barks that were hand-picked in Africa. We program the spirits of the plants to help you shed your past and invigorate your future.

After we soak the plants in a cleansed bucket, you will take a private shower scrubbing yourself with the leaves, scrubbing away anything negative from the body, mind and spirit.

And finally you invite all the goodness you want in your life.

Cost: $250

Traditional African Sauna

Cleanse your body or your home from any negative energies that maybe attached to it.

Wrapped in a massive African pagne (traditional African draping cloth), we smoke out any negative energies or entities using a fire built from plant materials cultivated in the Gabonese jungle.

Cost $500

Shamanic Counseling

Throughout the course of the retreat we counsel our clients using the ancestral Bwiti teachings. This is the traditional spiritual path taught to us by Iboga itself.

Bwiti is "The Study of Life" and teaches a no-nonsense practical approach to living. It breaks down the actual process of bringing things into your life, creating happiness, self-love, confidence and peace of mind.

Before each Iboga ceremony we will sit around the fire for a Firetalk where we share the teachings and break down the mechanics of life itself. This Firetalk is one of the best medicines we have in the Bwiti tradition.

These 50 minute sessions focus on cutting out the lies and bullshit from your life so you can create peace of mind and happiness.

First session: FREE

3 session package: $300

5 session package: $450