Medical Safety

Your Safety Is Our Priority

Iboga is an incredibly safe medicine. Most health issues that arise are due to situations where clients’ conditions were irresponsibly overlooked.

During our training, Moughenda strongly emphasized that safety is the number one priority. We were trained to guide you safely through this experience—physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

Attendance Requirements


Each guest must have an electrocardiogram. You can either get it done at your doctor’s office and send us the results, or you can do it on-site for a $75 fee.

Our staff is specially trained to look for the specific details in your EKG results that are relevant to Iboga.

Liver Panel

Each guest must also submit a liver panel.

Iboga is processed in the liver, so we need to ensure that you have no undiagnosed severe liver issues.

Having a damaged liver does not automatically disqualify you from a retreat, we will work together to get you ready for your retreat.

Intake Form

You will be required to complete a detailed intake form that includes basic physical and mental health questions.

This information will help us ensure that we are fully prepared and that you receive the healing you seek.

Spiritual Screening

Under the guidance of the Iboga plant medicine, we screen each guest to determine the most effective way to support their journey.

In accordance with the Bwiti tradition, we offer a variety of plant medicines from Africa to complement your . The spiritual screening will help us identify which of these may be beneficial for you.

Prescription Medications

The first things Iboga will do is detoxify your body and to facilitate this process you may need to discontinue certain medications that can be extremely dangerous when combined with Iboga. Depending on the half-life of the drugs, this may require a few days to a few weeks.

Iboga has the capacity to cleanse and reset your mind to its natural state, so it’s important to note that psychiatric medications can pose challenges as they interfere with normal brain function.

We will review your medication and drug intake, and in collaboration with your doctor we will discuss options for safely discontinuing any problematic medications.

Recreational Drugs

Drugs can be extremely dangerous when combined with Iboga. If you arrive at a ceremony with drugs in your system, Iboga will actively work to eliminate them from your body, and you may experience significant discomfort as a result.

For your safety, it is essential that you refrain from using the following drugs for a minimum of 30 days prior to your Iboga ceremony:

  • Cocaine, amphetamines, and ephedrine

  • MDMA (Ecstasy), MDA, MDEA, PMA

  • Opiates (heroin, morphine, codeine, opium)

  • Dextromethorphan (DXM)

  • Mescaline (any phenethylamine)

If you want to create a safe, detox plan for yourself to attend an Iboga ceremony,

Contact Us for a free consultation.

Active Addictions

Iboga can lead to extraordinary results in detoxifying individuals from narcotics, often enabling them to achieve a clean state without experiencing withdrawal symptoms within just a few days. However,


If you are looking for a detox program Contact Us and we will connect you with trusted Iboga providers who possess the appropriate training and experience.

Who Shouldn’t Take Iboga

Taking Iboga can be dangerous if you have any of the following conditions:

  • Seizures or epilepsy

  • Heart problems

  • Severe respiratory conditions

  • Impaired liver or kidney function

Other Plant Medicines

It’s important to refrain from using other teaching plants such as mushrooms, San Pedro, Ayahuasca, or recreational psychedelics like DMT and LSD for up to 8 weeks prior to your Iboga ceremony.

Iboga is often referred to as the "Godfather of all plant medicines" and is considered the "teacher of teachers." If you consume another plant medicine before your Iboga ceremony, Iboga will prioritize cleansing you before imparting its teachings. This may leave you with insufficient time to receive the healing you seek.

No other plant medicine possesses the wisdom of Iboga, making it crucial to create space for this powerful teacher in your system to ensure the success of your experience.

This experience is yours and yours alone, we take your privacy very seriously.

Any information shared with us before, during, and after the retreat is kept strictly confidential.